Duties and Responsibilities of the Department of Trade are:
1. Provides support and promotes the free movement of goods, trade services and capital in accordance with the legislation in force;
1.1. Proposes and designs Kosovo's trade policies, ensuring their alignment with the relevant legislation of the EU and the WTO;
1.2. Coordinates activities to implement the CEFTA agreement;
1.3. Analizon zbatimin e politikave tregtare bazuar në ecurinë e shkëmbimeve tregtare, çmimeve etj.
1.4. Analyzes the implementation of trade policies based on the performance of trade exchanges, prices etc;
1.5. Analyzes the movement of prices on the market and proposes safeguard measures and antidumping;
1.6. Follows the movement of prices and proposes policies for sustainable supply of the market with strategic items;
1.7. Coordinates activities to achieve free trade agreements with other trading partners;
1.8. Organizes activities for the membership of Kosovo in the World Trade Organization;
1.9. Examines and proposes the creation of free trade zones in the territory of Kosovo.
2. Promotes foreign trade, promotes the competitiveness of local companies and helps the increase of the local exports.
3. Number of employees in the Department of Trade is fourteen (14).