Reforming business inspections system

This subcomponent supports the reduction of the administrative burden on businesses and improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of inspection services. The Government of Kosovo (GoK) is expected to finalize a new and overarching Inspection Law and respective bylaws during the period of Project implementation. The World Bank Group (WBG) is supporting the GoK in developing the new legislation through a complementary advisory project, funded by the State Secretariat for Economics Affairs (SECO). This complementary advisory project will ensure that the WBG adequately supports implementation of this subcomponent. Meanwhile, the adoption of the Concept Document and Action Plan for inspection reform by the GoK is a condition for Project effectiveness, as it will clearly define the reform direction and bind the GoK to respect the timeline and activities.  

The Project will finance equipment, capacity building, and IT systems to support the effective implementation of the new law by GoK. The project will help finance: (i) an electronic inspector data management system, which will enable a unified electronic inspection platform for inspection planning and coordination of inspection visits, document management of inspection reports, internal and external reporting, data mining, internal audit, analysis and risk profiling—basically all aspects of an inspector’s work; (ii) business inspection interoperability data exchange system, which will enable data exchange among key institutions to enable risk-based inspections, better business profiling, and reduced informality; (iii) equipment for inspectors to do their work for field analysis, sampling, and evidence gathering; and (iv) sustainability of the new institutional set-up and capacity building for inspectors.