Industry Department

Duties and responsibilities of the Department of Industry are:

Strategy for Industrial Development and Business Support 2030

Action Plan_SIDBS 2023-2025 

1.1. Researches, drafts statistical and analytical reports for the manufacturing industry and proposes and drafts sector and sub-sector industrial policies for development of industry in Kosovo;
1.2. Provides support in the development of a suitable environment and favourable conditions for promoting sustainable industrial development in Kosovo;
1.3. Analyses and monitors the implementation of policies for industrial development in Kosovo, as well as of the supporting programs for SMEs;
1.4. Leads and coordinates activities for drafting policies with implementation institutions, particularly KIESA, and other policy making institutions;
1.5. Leads and coordinates public-private dialogue for the development of industrial production sectors, increase competition and exports;
1.6. Researches, analyses and proposes policies for building the quality infrastructure;
1.7 Ensures harmonization of domestic legislation on free movement of goods with EU legislation;
1.8. Leads and coordinates activities with other institutions for implementation of procedures for the legislation that covers free movement of goods pursuant to ratified international agreements;
1.9. Coordinates the quality infrastructure pillars and the market inspectorate in drafting and implementing the legislation;
1.10. Leads and coordinates the procedures for appointing/authorizing conformity assessment bodies, based on the technical regulations which are drafted by the Industry Department, with the purpose of functionalizing the product compliance system;
1.11 Monitors the implementation of legislation in the field of industry (production);
1.12 Cooperates, coordinates and develops objectives and activities with all institutional organization structures within the ministry and other institutions;
1.13. Manages and maintains aregister of Technical Rules, Designated Conformity Assessment Bodies, Foreign Documents and Conformity Marks;

2. The head of the Department of Industry, reports to the Secretary-General.

3. Industry Department consists of two divisions:
3.1. Division for Industrial Policy
3.2 Division for Quality Infrastructure; and

4. The number of employees in the Department of Industry is thirteen (13).

Emrtimi Viti