1. Duties and responsibilities of the Division for Research, Analysis and Quality Standards are:
1.1. Monitors and measures the effectiveness of policy measures on competitiveness and sustainability of Kosovo's tourism;
1.2. Analyzes and proposes the promotion of Kosovo as a tourist destination;
1.3. Proposes the development of the tourist information system;
1.4. Analyzes international markets and trends in order to promote Kosovo;
1.5. Analyzes and proposes the development of the tourism image (logo, motto) and the development of the brand with a promotional campaign;
1.6. Provides support for cooperation with international tourism associations;
1.7. Coordinates and cooperates with regions, municipalities, tourism associations and NGOs;
1.8. Support product development and tourism projects in regions and municipalities;
1.9. Regulates the activity of tourism businesses;
1.10. Organizes the database for tourism and hotel potentials;
1.11. Identifies tourism standards, proposes their adaptation and use.