Kosovo Standardization Agency - KSA

The mission and vision of KSA is development, adoption and approval of standards and to strongly stimulate economic development, by creating a basis for competition in the region and beyond. It is one of the main components of the quality infrastructure, which provides a platform for the development of standardization, by supporting safety and quality of products, processes and services through standards.

1. KSA is independent and the only national administration body responsible for standardization in the Republic of Kosovo, which includes development, recognition, adoption, approval and publication of standards for all sectors related to the provisions of this Law, which operates within the respective ministry for trade and industry.

2.         Duties and responsibilities of Department for Standards, Promotion and Integration are:

2.1.      implementing legal acts and bylaws in the field of standardization;

2.2.      drafting, developing, adopting and approving kosovo standards;

2.3.      support the work of the professional standardization council and technical committees;

2.4.      implementation of the standardization policies and procedures;

2.5.      promotion and marketing of standards, and communication with parties;

2.6.      promotes studies for the introduction of standardization in new areas in which kosovar industry and economy is in need, such as environmental protection, ergonomics, terminology, universities, etc.;

2.7.      support notification of standards in european and international standardization organizations, as well as in other organizations related to standards;

2.8.      cooperation with european and international standardization organizations, as well as with other organizations related to standards;

2.9.      fulfillment of the obligations arising from KSA agreements with standardization organizations;

2.10.    standardization digitalization (database; website; social networks; etc.);

2.11.    management of other standardization activities, defined by the relevant law on standardization.

Within the agency are:

- Standards, Promotion and Integration Department 

- Standards Division  

- Promotion and Integration Division 

Albina Jashanica , Acting General Director
Tel:     +383(038) 200 36-539
Email: Albina.Jashanica@rks-gov.net
Web:   http://aks.rks-gov.net/